Monday, May 28, 2007
Prayer Letter – May 22, 2007
JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel
"Don't urge me to leave you or to turn back from you. Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God." Ruth 1:16
SHAVU'OT GREETINGS: Vision for Israel & The Joseph Storehouse staff members wish all of our readers a blessed and happy Shavu'ot. The holiday, known also as the Festival of Weeks, commemorates the time when the first fruits were harvested and brought to the Temple . It also celebrates the giving of the Torah at Mt. Sinai . A well known event occurred in New Testament times on this Jewish holiday. The Holy Spirit fell on the first disciples with tongues of fire and imparted many languages. The Book of Ruth is traditionally read during Shavu'ot, which begins this year Tuesday, May 22nd. Editor's Bias Note: Happy Birthday to our son Ariel who is 18 years old today.
CHRISTIANS TO TRAIN IN ISRAEL ADVOCACY: US campuses are hotbeds of anti-Semitism and anti-Israel activity. In colleges across the US increasing numbers of Christian students are requesting a place beside their Jewish friends to "make the case for Israel ." Last week a program began at California State University , Bakersfield that will train Christian students to defend Israel in the face of campus attacks. It is the first step toward establishing college chapters of Christians United for Israel , on college campuses across the US . (J.Post) "There is a friend who sticks closer than a brother." Proverbs 18:24
A HUNDRED AND THIRTY QASSAMS SINCE TUESDAY: Police reports on Sunday, May 20th, disclosed at least 130 Qassam rockets were fired by Palestinian Authority terrorists at western Negev communities since Tuesday, May 15th. More than 400 rockets have been launched at Israeli communities since the supposed "ceasefire" with PA Gaza terrorists on November 26, 2006 . ( INN )
PERETZ DECLARES STATE OF EMERGENCY IN GAZA PERIPHERY : Following continued Qassam attacks on the town of Sderot , Amir Peretz, on May 20th, declared a state of emergency in the communities surrounding the Gaza Strip. The declaration transfers civilian authority power to the IDF's Home Front Command, which can shut down factories and workplaces, and order medical clinics as well as other facilities to remain open. Last summer, during the Second Lebanon War, Peretz declared a similar state of emergency in northern Israel following the Hezballah rocket attacks. (J.Post)
HAMAS TERRORISTS DIE IN IAF AIR STRIKES IN GAZA: Israel began a wave of air strikes against Hamas targets in Gaza on Wednesday, May 16th. IAF forces killed at least three suspected Hamas terrorists in pre-dawn air strikes in Gaza on Sunday as it built up pressure on Islamists terrorist groups to stop firing Qassam rockets into the Sderot area. At least 10 Palestinians have been reported killed in IAF strikes since Friday May 18th. (Haaretz) "They will dwell securely when I execute justice on all those around them who despise them." Ezekiel 28:26
PALESTINIAN ROCKETS IGNORED ABROAD: While Hamas has been raining Qassam rockets on the Israeli town of Sderot , world media coverage has been sparse. Only when Israel began to take military action; after months of exercising restraint in the face of near daily rocket attacks, did the situation receive Western media attention. One US television producer explained apologetically the Sderot story has been going on for years, few people have been seriously injured and photos of shock victims fail to sell. When the IDF began to retaliate, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict suddenly appeared again in the headlines. Making news a market place commodity yields lopsided, distorted coverage of aggression against Israel and its case for retaliation. (Ynet/IHC)
HAMAS BLAMES WORLD FOR GAZA VIOLENCE: Senior Hamas official, Musa Abu Marzouk, recently blamed Western nations, Muslims states, and Israel for ongoing violence and infighting in the Gaza Strip. He said if only the world would send direct aid to the PA, currently under joint Hamas-Fatah control, there would be no "tension" between the two groups. EU spokesman Javier Solana challenged Hamas' self-deception with a crisp reminder the US , United Nations and other global donors to the PA are ready to resume aid when the Hamas terrorist organization recognizes the Jewish nation and renounces violence. ( INN ) "Destructive forces are at work in the city; threats and lies never leave its streets." Psalm 55:11
MUSLIM RELIGIOUS BAN ON LEAVING ISRAEL: The Mufti of Jerusalem last week issued a religious ban forbidding Muslims to leave Israel . Arabs fear young people are increasingly seeking their fortunes abroad. The decree says in part: "Muslims must remain in their places of residence, and not leave them to infiltrators and conquerors." Hamas-affiliated religious leaders issued a similar decree days ago forbidding emigration from the lands of the Palestinian Authority. ( INN )
HOLOCAUST DENIER IRVNG EXPELLED FROM WARSAW BOOK FAIR: British historian David Irving, a convicted Holocaust denier, appeared suddenly at the international book fare in Warsaw and set up his table before fair organizers realized the nature of his materials. When his identity came to light, Irving was asked to leave; received help from the event's employees to pack up his things, then was escorted out of the building and given a free ride to his address. Irving spent more than a year in an Austrian prison for denying the Nazis organized mass murder of six million Jews during World War Two. (Reuters) "Deliver me from the hands of foreigners whose mouths are full of lies." Psalm 144:11
ARTIFACTS FROM TIME OF DAVID AND SOLOMON REVEALED: Archaeologists, in honor of last week's Jerusalem Day, displayed more than 100 seals and signet rings used to authenticate papyrus documents during the days of Kings David and Solomon. They were viewed by the public for the first time. The Bible-period artifacts were discovered during archaeological excavations underway below Jerusalem 's Old City . ( INN ) "Through knowledge its rooms are filled with rare and beautiful treasures." Proverbs 24:4
Join us in the UK: Our upcoming UK conference will be held in Walsall, England, June 21-23 with speakers: Dwight Pryor, David Dolan, Barry Segal, Andy Wall, Alistair Scott and the Moriah worship team. For more information call us at 01793- 862121 in the UK.
Succot 2007: Plan early to join us September 25 - October 7th for the 7th year anniversary of the Succot celebration and 40 years of a united Jerusalem. Our coming Succot event will be a combination of Messianic teaching, worship and touring the Land during the one major Feast that has not yet been fulfilled by Yeshua. Speakers include: Stephen Strang, Lance Lambert, Hilton Sutton, Dwight A. Pryor, Jim Hall, Cindy Jacobs, David Herzog and Jonathan Bernis. Worship will be led by Barry and Batya Segal, Frank and Marlou van Essen, and the Benote Tzon Dance Troupe. For details go to . The USA and UK prices are now listed at the tour page of the website.
Visit the new site to purchase Messianic and Judaic gifts, a wide assortment of books, praise and worship music, videos, jewelry and other study materials. This is a tangible way to show support and solidarity with the people of Israel. People in North America can purchase on-line now.
Blessings from Jerusalem,
Barry Segal with the Editorial Staff
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