I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech.

Monday, May 21, 2007


Prayers for May 15, 2007, From The Voice of the Martyrs

Thanks and praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Let us all come into agreement for the prayers listed below.

VOM-USA News & Prayer Update Visit: Persecution.com

"Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter:
Fear God and keep His commandments,
For this is man's all.
For God will bring every work into judgment,
Including every secret thing,
Whether good or evil."
(Ecclesiastes 12:13-14)

Prayers for May 15, 2007
From The Voice of the Martyrs
The Voice of the Martyrs Visit: Persecution.com
Pray for CUBA
CUBA UPDATE: Pastor Summoned to Court – VOM Sources
Pastor Carlos Lamelas has been summoned to appear in court on Tuesday, May 15, 2007. Even though he does not know why, he thinks it is because he needs to be given his "innocent verdict" in person. At the same time, he feels this could be the Cuban communist government's ploy to send him back to prison. Pray God will intervene in this situation. Ask him to encourage Pastor Lamelas and his family. Pray Christians in Cuba remain steadfast in their faith in Jesus. Psalm 51:10, Isaiah 26:3-4

Pray for CHINA
CHINA UPDATE: House Church Leader and Mother Still in Prison – China Aid Association
Pastor Hua Huiqi and his elderly mother Shuang Shuying are still in prison. According to China Aid Association (CAA), Pastor Hua's trial will likely open in two weeks and his mother Shuang Shuying is being held in a medical center. "She is seriously sick and has been treated in that medical center since her sentencing. She is held in the kitchen hall in a one bedroom apartment-like prison cell with two other female prisoners. There are two PSB female police officers observing her 24/7. The doctor said she is too weak to be put in a formal prison because of her heart problem, diabetes and other medical problems," CAA said. Pray for healing for Shuang Shuying. Ask God to encourage Pastor Hua and his family as he prepares to go to trial. 2 Corinthians 1:3-7

PAKISTAN Muslim Radicals Introduce Anti-Christian Law; Christians Receive Threatening Letters – VOM Sources
  • The Voice of the Martyrs sources in Pakistan report that Muslim radicals have introduced a law in Parliament that any Muslim who converts to Christianity should be killed. Although the details are sketchy, intercede for this situation and ask God to move so this law does not go into effect. Pray God encourages Christians in Pakistan to be a witness for Him in spite of persecution.
  • CHARSADDA – On May 7, 2007, Christians in the Charsadda District received letters warning them to shut their churches and convert to Islam. The letter that set a 10-day deadline said, "All Christians should convert to Islam within 10 days or leave Charsadda. We will execute all of you if you don't convert to Islam." Copies of the handwritten letter were delivered to two churches and several Christian homes in Charsadda. Even though the police have been alerted, Christians in the area are concerned for their safety. A similar letter was delivered to believers in Mardan district. Pray God gives Christians in Charsadda courage to stand for Him. Ask for protection and peace to surround them during these uncertain times.
Deuteronomy 31:6

Pray for INDIA
INDIA UPDATE: Pastor Released After One Year in Prison – VOM Sources
In Orissa state on May 2, 2007, Pastor Jeremiah Mahji was released after spending a year in prison. The Voice of the Martyrs contacts report that since Pastor Jeremiah's release, there have been repeated phone calls threatening that his son, Pastor Nehusena, will be killed. Thank God for the release of Pastor Jeremiah. Pray God protects their family and believers in India. Ask that their testimony will bring others into the knowledge of God. Romans 15:1-6

TURKMENISTAN Pastor Jailed in Labor Camp for Three Years – Forum 18 News
On May 14, 2007, Baptist preacher Vyacheslav Kalataevsky was jailed for three years in a labor camp for illegally crossing the border in 2001, establishing a prayer house and organizing meetings for Christian Baptists. According to Forum 18 News, his family insists the sentence was imposed to punish him for his activity with the unregistered Baptist congregation in the city. Vyacheslav told the court today in his closing statement that officials have a hostile attitude to him because of his faith. "This is backed up by the fact that as soon as he was arrested in March, the questions were all about his religious activity, not about crossing the border," the family told Forum News. Pray for this pastor and his family. Pray his testimony will draw non-believers into the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Psalm 10:17, 2 Corinthians 7:4

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