Tuesday, December 26, 2006
Vision for Israel Update
Thanks and praise to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
Prayer Letter – December 26, 2006
JNN NEWS, P.O. Box 7411, Jerusalem 91073, Israel
"O Lord, we have waited for You. The desire of our soul is for your name and for the remembrance of you." Isaiah 26:8
HAMAS-FATAH VIOLENCE MARS CHRISTMAS FOR GAZA CHRISTIANS: The first Christmas in Gaza under Hamas has been marred by the worst internal fighting and economic conditions in a decade. Gaza's annual Christmas parade and midnight mass were cancelled. For the first time, no Christmas decorations adorn the giant pine tree in the main square. "We do not feel the cheer of Christmas," Um Tareq, a Greek Orthodox woman, lamented. (Ha'aretz)
LATIN PATRIARCH: 'BETHLEHEM A CITY OF CONFLICT, DEATH': Latin Patriarch of Jerusalem, Michel Sabbath, in a pre-Christmas speech said that Bethlehem has become "a city of conflict and death" as a result of continuing violence and Israeli counter terrorism measures. He cited Israel's security barrier around the city, meant to thwart bombers from entering Israeli population centers, as the chief cause of all evils. Sabbath, the top Catholic official in the region, is frequently critical of Israel. He fails to mention that the growing strength of radical Islamic terror groups has turned once-bustling pilgrimage sites such as Bethlehem into relative ghost towns. Before the outbreak of Palestinian violence in 2000, Bethlehem drew more than 90,000 pilgrims a month, but only 2,500 foreign visitors came in Christmas 2005. Harsh economic conditions and fear of radical Islamic elements have resulted in a continuing exodus of the more affluent Christians from the town of Jesus' traditional birthplace to Israel and the West. (J.Post) "They poured out a prayer when your chastening was upon them." Isaiah 26:16
PALESTINIAN ROCKET FIRE INTENSIFIES: 'ISRAEL'S RESTRAINT MAY SOON END': Palestinians in Gaza continue to fire Kassam rockets toward Israel, despite a truce that went into effect last month. Over 40 rockets have been fired at Israel since the cease-fire began. PM Olmert warns that Israel's restraint to ongoing violations will soon end. He is being faced with growing pressure from Cabinet members to allow the IDF to respond to renewed rocket fire aimed at the western Negev. Likud Chairman Binyamin Netanyahu has called for Olmert to end the restraint and to "let the IDF do its job." Defense Minister Amir Peretz said that Israel could not tolerate a situation where Palestinian terrorists responsible for rocket attacks were given immunity by a cease-fire. (Ynet News/Arutz-7/J.Post) "Let grace be shown to the wicked, yet he will not learn righteousness." Isaiah: 26:10
BUSH SIGNS LAW BLOCKING AID TO HAMAS GOVERNMENT: President Bush has signed into law a bill which blocks U.S. aid to the Hamas-led Palestinian government. The law also bans contacts with Hamas until the terrorist faction has renounced violence and recognized Israel's existence. (Daily Alert)
PRIME MINISTER'S OFFICE: 'NO REASON FOR DIALOGUE WITH SYRIA': A very senior source at the Prime Minister's Office said last week that "the conditions for opening a dialogue with Damascus are clear to the Syrians... Unfortunately, the Syrians are not even taking the minimal steps. In such a situation, there is no reason for Israel to hold a dialogue or negotiations with the Syrians." (Ynet)
SYRIA WILLING TO ATTACK ISRAEL: Israel should not take the Syrian peace overture seriously because Damascus is more prepared than ever before "to take military action against Israel," Mossad chief Meir Dagan said days ago. Dagan went on to say that the Syrian army was building up its anti-tank missile units, after having seen that tanks were Israel's Achilles' heel in this summer's war in Lebanon. He also warned that Syria was stocking up on anti-aircraft weaponry. Any misstep could trigger an armed conflict with Syria," he said. (J.Post) "All the princes of the north and all the Sidonians are there; they went down with the slain in disgrace despite the terror caused by their power." Ezekiel 32:30
SYRIA REARMING HIZBALLAH AS IT SPEAKS OF PEACE WITH ISRAEL: Even as Syrian leader Bashar Assad continues to make peace overtures to Israel, a high-ranking IDF official said Damascus is making weapons transfers to Hizballah. "If the Lebanese government does not implement [UN resolution 1701] then we are most probably on our way to another round with Hizballah," said the official, referring to the cease-fire accord that ended the 34-day war in Lebanon last summer. The official's remarks back up what most intelligence officials are saying: that Syria is not serious about peace because if they were they would stop aiding Hizballah and the terrorist groups it harbors in Damascus. (Israel Hasbara Committee News)
AHMADINEJAD OPPONENTS WIN ELECTIONS: Opponents of Iranian President Ahmadinejad, last week won nationwide elections for local councils. Moderate conservatives critical of Ahmadinejad won a majority of seats, followed by reformists. Some conservatives feel Ahmadinejad has spent too much time confronting the West and failed to deal with Iran's struggling economy. (Washington Post) "He brings down those who dwell on high." Isaiah: 26:5
AHMADINEJAD: 'THOSE WHO BACKED UN SANCTIONS WILL SOON REGRET IT': A defiant Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Sunday dismissed the UN Security Council resolution imposing sanctions on Iran over its nuclear program as "a piece of torn paper" that would not deter Iran from its nuclear activities. He said that the supporters of the resolution would soon regret their "superficial act." (Ha'aretz) "At your rebuke, O God of Jacob, both horse and chariot lie still." Psalm 76:6
U.S. JUDGE: IRAN OWES $254M TO VICTIMS OF 1996 TERROR BOMBING: The Iranian government financed a 1996 terrorist attack that killed 19 Americans in Saudi Arabia and must pay $254 million to the victims' families, a federal judge decreed Friday. The ruling allows families of the victims of the Khobar Towers bombing to seek their compensation from assets that have been seized from the conservative Islamic regime in Tehran. (Ha'aretz)
KINNERET SUFFERING DUE TO LACK OF RAIN: The Kinneret, (Sea of Galilee), Israel's largest freshwater reservoir currently stands more than 3.3 meters (over ten feet) lower than its optimal level. Though rainfall in October was plentiful, little if any precipitation has occurred since then. Rabbis nationwide have ruled that prayers for rain should be recited, in light of the current drought, so that winter rains will replenish the Sea and parch the land's thirst. (Arutz-7) "Ask the Lord for rain... It is the Lord who makes the storm clouds. He gives showers of rain to men, and plants of the field to everyone." Zechariah 10:1
BEN-GURION COMES IN FIRST AMONG EUROPEAN AIRPORTS: Ben-Gurion International Airport was ranked first among 40 European airports, and fifth out of 77 around the world, in a survey of the Airports Council International. Ben-Gurion also placed first among airports in its size category. (Ha'aretz)
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Blessings from Jerusalem,
Barry Segal with the Editorial Staff
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